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Thursday, September 17, 2015

Check for existing registration before entering LOAs

Staff who process student leave of absence (LOA) requests should ensure that any registration for the term of LOA is dropped before adding the Leave of Absence row to the Student Program/Plan page. If a Leave of Absence row is added and registration exists for the term, the system will provide a warning message when the user attempts to save, but it will not stop the user from saving the change. Classes cannot be dropped once the Leave of Absence row is added without first making a correction to the Student Program/Plan page.

Check your classes’ Auto-enroll from Waitlist indicator

Earlier this summer CCS schedulers were advised to consider unchecking the “Auto Enroll from Wait List” checkbox, on the Enrollment Control tab in CCS, as a workaround to a problem we were experiencing with wait lists. That wait list issue was fixed in late July.

Before October 19 (when information from the 2015-16 schedule rolls forward to 2016-17), class schedulers should review their fall 2015 classes and re-check the “Auto Enroll from Wait List” checkbox on classes where it had been unchecked. If the “Auto Enroll from Wait List” box is left unchecked, students on the waitlist will not be given priority over students not on the wait list for seats that become available in the class.

Complete list of student records trainings available

A complete list of trainings offered by Academic Support Resources is available online. Key contacts, supervisors, and others who assist new staff, or existing staff with new responsibilities, to identify which training they need to complete may find it helpful to bookmark this page for the next time you have a new staff member join your team.

SR Help workshop for CCS schedulers

CCS schedulers are invited to join the Academic Support Resources Training and Support team for a CCS user review workshop. We will revisit some of the CCS processes that changed as part of the upgrade and have plenty of time for questions.

Tuesday September 29
1-2 p.m., Fraser Hall, room B20*
No registration required

*Please note: Fraser Hall B20 is not a handicap accessible room.

New Class Roster Quick Start Guides published

New quick start guides on using the Class Roster in Faculty Center are available online. The four separate guides cover how to:

  • View and print class rosters
  • Print class rosters with photos (yearbook style class roster)
  • Email students from the class roster, and
  • Download a list of student emails