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Thursday, October 17, 2019

Last issue of the Training Update newsletter

The members of the ASR Training & Support Team have been reassigned within Academic Support Resources (ASR) to provide specialized support for ASR’s individual units. These units include the Office of the Registrar, Continuity and Compliance, and the Office of Classroom Management on the Twin Cities campus.

Since the reorganization of the team, we have decided to discontinue the Training Update newsletter. While you will no longer receive this newsletter, you will still receive communications about need-to-know information. We plan to use resources already available to communicate important information to the right audiences, such as ad-hoc emails and committee meetings.

Who to contact

Moving forward, please contact the unit(s) below that are relevant to your questions and comments.

Twin Cities Office of the Registrar
OTR Training and Support: Heather Micek and Sally Gutierrez
SRhelp@umn.edu or 612-625-2803
  • PeopleSoft Campus Solutions - Records and Enrollment
  • ECAS and PCAS
  • Reporting Center
  • Advisor Center
  • Grades & Faculty Center

Continuity and Compliance

Renae Faunce - cctraining@umn.edu
  • Training course requirements
  • Access to ECAS/PCAS
  • Access to PeopleSoft Campus Solutions

Office of Classroom Management (OCM)

Jennifer Selander - OCMSoftwarehelp@umn.edu
  • Collaborative Class Scheduling (CCS)
  • Astra Schedule