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Monday, June 23, 2014

Upcoming Trainings & Opportunities - July & August 2014

Student Data Inquiry
Available any time via online training through ULearn

Student Data Update
Available any time via online training through ULearn

Program/Plan Process
Thursday, July 24, 10 a.m.-12 noon
Wednesday, August 27, 10 a.m.-12 noon

Thursday, July 17, 10 a.m.-12 noon
Wednesday, August 13, 10 a.m.-12 noon

Electronic Course Scheduling (ECS)
Wednesday, July 9, 9 a.m.-12 noon
Wednesday, August 6, 9 a.m.-12 noon

For a complete list of upcoming SR trainings and opportunities, and to register for upcoming sessions, please visit ULearn off the UMN Employee Self-Service page.

Using the PeopleSoft lookup

Do you use those little magnifying glasses that are in numerous places on most PeopleSoft pages? These are called lookups. They can be used to locate field values, but there are some tricks to using them effectively.

For example, try finding the Spanish academic plan by simply clicking the lookup button. A search in PeopleSoft will return only the first 300 values. Since there are many more than 300 academic plans out there, clicking only the lookup button will bring you nowhere near the academic plans that start with "S". To narrow the results, do a description search. In the description field, type an uppercase "S" followed by a lowercase "p". The trick with a description search is that it is case sensitive, most often upper followed by lowercase letters. The more letters you are able to add in the description search field, the more refined and shorter the search result list.

The Registration manual: a guide for the Enrollment Request page

Leading up to fall semester, staff who administratively assist students with registration may find themselves using the PeopleSoft Enrollment Request page. Documentation on Enrollment Request, including some related Peoplesoft pages, can be found in our online Registration manual. The manual contains step-by-step instructions for adding, dropping, and swapping classes, backdating enrollment, resolving error messages, and more.

The Registration manual, along with all of our training manuals and quick step guides, can be found on the training team's manuals webpage.

PCAS updates for undergraduate catalog due July 7

The ASR communications team will be working on developing the 2014-16 Twin Cities undergraduate catalog this summer, so it's important for colleges to update their program information (majors, minors, and certificates) in PCAS by Monday, July 7.

If you need additional access, have questions, or require initial PCAS training, please contact the ASR Training Team as srhelp@umn.edu.

Encourage system users to sign up for the ASR Training Update!

As a reminder, the ASR Training Update newsletter is automatically distributed to all student records key contacts. Please pass along news items to systems users in your area who may not get the Training Update or encourage users to get themselves added to the listserv.

Any interested staff members who are not key contacts may be added to the listserv upon request. To be added, users may simply email Kess Knight at knigh161@umn.edu.