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Monday, November 17, 2014

Prepare your PS Favorites for the Upgrade

Do you rely on your Favorites menu in PeopleSoft to conduct your work? Favorites that users have saved in PS 8.9 will not be moved into PS 9.0 when we upgrade. Rather, users will need to set up their Favorites in the upgraded system when it goes live in February. Start to prepare now by making list, or taking a screen print, of your Favorites drop down menu in 8.9. Then, use our PeopleSoft Quick Reference Guide to learn the navigational paths to the pages you need.

Note: A few PS pages will move to different folder locations or be renamed as part of the Upgrade. An updated, 9.0 version of the PeopleSoft Quick Reference Guide reflecting these changes will be provided in the Student Systems Upgrade Overview training.

Learn about how The Upgrade will affect students

The ASR Training team encourages staff who support students (e.g., advisers and student services staff) to attend a Student Experience Preview session, being held on all campuses now through early December. These sessions will provide staff with information about how The Upgrade will affect students and will include demonstrations of class registration, bill payment, and viewing financial aid.

PeopleSoft 9.0 Upgrade training - Coming soon!

The ASR Training team is developing two training courses to prepare staff for The Upgrade.

  • The Student Systems Upgrade Overview course will be provided online and is required of all staff who have access to student information in PeopleSoft. This online, on-demand training becomes available on December 15.

  • As part of The Upgrade, Electronic Course Scheduling (ECS) will change to Collaborative Class Scheduling (CCS). Staff with access to ECS will attend an in-person Collaborative Class Scheduling class, which will cover the changes coming with CCS. Registration for this class will be available on December 15, with classes starting on January 6.

In the coming weeks, staff who have current access to student data/records and ECS will be sent invitations to complete training. For more information about training, please visit the PeopleSoft 9.0 Upgrade Training website.

Did you miss the Upgrade Student System Preview sessions?

In October the ASR Training team presented a series of preview sessions about The Upgrade impact on staff with access to student data in PeopleSoft. Attendees learned about required training and how to access training resources. There were also demonstrations of the new MyU, the new Faculty Center, the new Advisor Center, and key processes (e.g., permission numbers, service indicators, related content). If you missed these sessions, you can watch the October 22 session, held in St. Paul, and access the session handout at the training website.