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Thursday, July 21, 2016

Topic suggestions for future SR Help Workshops

If you’ve been to a previous Student Record workshop, you know we tackle topics that can be complicated. What new topics would you like to learn more about? What haven't we covered?

Previous topics have included grades, wait lists, class permissions, big picture, and CCS advanced topics. Share your new ideas with us!

CCS consultations

When a recent Collaborative Class Scheduling (CCS) training class happened to consist of only two staff from a single department who were there for refresher training, we changed the topic and turned the class into a CCS consultation. We spent the time working through different questions they had about CCS. We covered wait lists, prerequisites, combined sections, how ECAS and CCS interact, multiple component setup, and grading—a good morning's work!

If you are a trained CCS scheduler who, along with other schedulers in your department, would like a similar session with one of the trainers, just let us know. CCS can be a thorny, complicated system. We are happy to help you understand it more fully.

Designating classes eligible for freshman full year registration

Freshman Orientation is well underway on the Twin Cities campus, at which students will register for both Fall 2016 and Spring 2017.

Spring 2017 classes eligible for Freshman Full Year Registration are designated by the Course Attribute, “FRFY Freshman full year reg,” in the CCS Basic Data tab.


Classes with the attribute are open for registration, but only to students with the “FRFY Freshman Full Yr Registration” Student Group on their record.

Classes without the FRFY Class Attribute are restricted by the temporary use of a class requisite that prohibits registration. If you discover your department missed applying the FRFY attribute to a class, the CCS scheduler should add the attribute in CCS. A daily query identifies those with a newly added FRFY attribute and the requisite is removed to allow freshmen to register.

Auto-enroll from wait list emails sent to students

The auto-enroll process generates emails to students on a class’ wait list each time auto-enroll runs for the class. The PeopleSoft UM Waitlist Email History page (Main Menu > Records and Enrollment > Term Processing > Waitlist > UM Waitlist Email History) keeps records of the email messages generated to students in this process. Messages include:

  • notification of enrollment in a class for which a student had been waiting,
  • notification enrollment was attempted but not successful due to a time conflict or maximum credit limit, or
  • notification that auto-enroll ran for a class, but that a student was not yet enrolled because other students were ahead of them on the wait list.

Class schedulers and wait list managers may visit the UM Waitlist Email History page to view the system-generated emails. On this page, the system creates a row for each email sent to the student for the selected term. Note that the emails are listed in chronological order starting with the earliest email sent.